عاشق الجيب
12-14-2010, 07:18 PM
طرحت هيونداي في أمريكا دليل الماك ل 2011 Hyundai Equus (http://www.gulf4cars.com/vb/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.motorauthority .com%2Fblog%2F1049029_2011-hyundai-equus-third-drive) على iPad و بحقيبه هي
الاجمل في العالم ...
ال iPad يحتوي على كل ما يحتاجه المالك من صور و عناوين الوكلاء و يستطيع المالك حجز
مواعيد للصيانه...
تقول هيونداي و التي تتصور أنها تنافس ال LS . لاشىء فقط أن دليل مالك ال LS ة التي
طولها 1091 خجوله من كتاب السلام و الحرب و التي تحتوي على 1225 صفحه و لكن كم
تساوي هذه بالميجابايت
و السؤال الذي يطرح نفسه هل هذا ال iPad مجهز بمخرج 12 فولت لكي يبقى مشحن على
http://i.ebayimg.com/15/!B9,PdhwCGk~$(KGrHqZ,!l0Ey+jCzNOkBM5tCN72z!~~_12.J PG
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/WarAndPeace.jpg/150px-WarAndPeace.jpg (http://www.gulf4cars.com/wiki/File:WarAndPeace.jpg)
و هي توزع مجانا في محلات الكوبيوتر
http://images.thecarconnection.com/med/2011-hyundai-equus_100322602_m.jpg (http://www.gulf4cars.com/image/100322602_2011-hyundai-equus)
http://images.thecarconnection.com/med/2011-hyundai-equus_100321706_m.jpg (http://www.gulf4cars.com/image/100321706_2011-hyundai-equus-with-apple-ipad)
Putting printed content on the iPad is a burgeoning business at Apple's App Store, but Hyundai (http://www.gulf4cars.com/vb/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.greencarreport s.com%2Fmake%2Fhyundai%2Cnew) goes one step further, making its owner's manual not just informative, but interactive, complete with a photo and video gallery, the ability to locate a nearby dealer and schedule a service appointment, and links to Hyundai's (http://www.gulf4cars.com/vb/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.collegecarguid e.com%2Fmake%2Fhyundai%2Cnew) retail website.
Hyundai even pokes fun at perceived competitor Lexus (http://www.gulf4cars.com/vb/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.familycarguide .com%2Fmake%2Flexus%2Cnew), noting that the LS's owner manual is "1,091 pages in length, just shy of the 1,225 pages in Tolstoy's 'War and Peace.'" But what does that equal in megabytes, Hyundai?
The owner's manual app isn't just for Equus owners, either: though you'll need a car to schedule appointments and the like, the rest of the features in the app can also be used by people that would just like to learn more about the car.
It's available now, for free, in the iTunes App Store.الموضوع الأصلي : <font color="" size="1" face="tahoma">هيونداي تستهزك بدليل المالك للكزس LS 460 (http://arabmotors.a3a3.com/showthread.php?t=41208)<font color="" size="1"> - المصدر : منتدى الخليج للسيارات - الكاتب : <font color="" size="1" face="tahoma">Patrol 5.6 VVEL
طرحت هيونداي في أمريكا دليل الماك ل 2011 Hyundai Equus (http://www.gulf4cars.com/vb/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.motorauthority .com%2Fblog%2F1049029_2011-hyundai-equus-third-drive) على iPad و بحقيبه هي
الاجمل في العالم ...
ال iPad يحتوي على كل ما يحتاجه المالك من صور و عناوين الوكلاء و يستطيع المالك حجز
مواعيد للصيانه...
تقول هيونداي و التي تتصور أنها تنافس ال LS . لاشىء فقط أن دليل مالك ال LS ة التي
طولها 1091 خجوله من كتاب السلام و الحرب و التي تحتوي على 1225 صفحه و لكن كم
تساوي هذه بالميجابايت
و السؤال الذي يطرح نفسه هل هذا ال iPad مجهز بمخرج 12 فولت لكي يبقى مشحن على
http://i.ebayimg.com/15/!B9,PdhwCGk~$(KGrHqZ,!l0Ey+jCzNOkBM5tCN72z!~~_12.J PG
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/WarAndPeace.jpg/150px-WarAndPeace.jpg (http://www.gulf4cars.com/wiki/File:WarAndPeace.jpg)
و هي توزع مجانا في محلات الكوبيوتر
http://images.thecarconnection.com/med/2011-hyundai-equus_100322602_m.jpg (http://www.gulf4cars.com/image/100322602_2011-hyundai-equus)
http://images.thecarconnection.com/med/2011-hyundai-equus_100321706_m.jpg (http://www.gulf4cars.com/image/100321706_2011-hyundai-equus-with-apple-ipad)
Putting printed content on the iPad is a burgeoning business at Apple's App Store, but Hyundai (http://www.gulf4cars.com/vb/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.greencarreport s.com%2Fmake%2Fhyundai%2Cnew) goes one step further, making its owner's manual not just informative, but interactive, complete with a photo and video gallery, the ability to locate a nearby dealer and schedule a service appointment, and links to Hyundai's (http://www.gulf4cars.com/vb/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.collegecarguid e.com%2Fmake%2Fhyundai%2Cnew) retail website.
Hyundai even pokes fun at perceived competitor Lexus (http://www.gulf4cars.com/vb/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.familycarguide .com%2Fmake%2Flexus%2Cnew), noting that the LS's owner manual is "1,091 pages in length, just shy of the 1,225 pages in Tolstoy's 'War and Peace.'" But what does that equal in megabytes, Hyundai?
The owner's manual app isn't just for Equus owners, either: though you'll need a car to schedule appointments and the like, the rest of the features in the app can also be used by people that would just like to learn more about the car.
It's available now, for free, in the iTunes App Store.الموضوع الأصلي : <font color="" size="1" face="tahoma">هيونداي تستهزك بدليل المالك للكزس LS 460 (http://arabmotors.a3a3.com/showthread.php?t=41208)<font color="" size="1"> - المصدر : منتدى الخليج للسيارات - الكاتب : <font color="" size="1" face="tahoma">Patrol 5.6 VVEL