المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Kazutaka Mizuno نيسان GT-R ستستمر

نيسان 1
04-05-2012, 12:41 PM

هذه أخر الأخبار المتواردة عن مستقبل الطراز الأسطوري Nissan GT-R

كثير منا قد تسأل ماهو مصير GT-R خصوصا ونحن الأن في السنة الخامسة لها وماتابعي ومحبي

GT-R يعلمون أن هذه السنه سيتقرر فيها مستقبل الأسطورة GT-R لنرى ماذا قال كبير مهندسي

نيسان GT-R ــــــ Kazutaka Mizuno بهذا الشأن ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــ

http://www.m5zn.com/uploads2/2012/3/29/photo/03291215033331o7nj76uskgyn7x07y2l5.jpg (http://www.m5zn.com)

[Kazutaka Mizuno]
Thanks to your support since its debut four years ago, the Nissan R35 GT-R has evolved to this level.
To commemorate its fourth year, and looking to the future, we want to try something new this year. Let me explain.

It's been four years since GT-R's debut. From the 2007 model's lap time of 7 minutes 38 seconds, this car achieves one lap of the Nordschleife in around 7 minutes 20 seconds.
The GT-R will continue to evolve over the next five years or so in its current form, and continue to improve its performance.
Just as important as performance improvement is, we must be confident about the reliability and durability of the car.
This is the reason we chose to enter the 24 Hours Nürburgring: to perform harsher endurance tests for future performance improvements.

People ask me, "what is the ultimate performance goal of the GT-R?"
There is no such thing.
Because no matter what kind of GT-R I create this year, the customer who purchases it will say a year later: I want more power, more cornering capability, better brakes, a car that's more fun to drive.
So if someone asks what our goal is, I will answer that it is not the performance of the car itself, but it is about our customers' feelings and expectations for the GT-R.
That is our development goal.
As long as we are in the race, we will do our absolute best.
Our hope is that this race is a prelude to the GT-R that people will see five years from now.