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قديم 04-03-2012, 06:05 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Oct 2010
العضوية: 661
المشاركات: 16,424 [+]
بمعدل : 3.14 يوميا
اخر زياره : [+]


تويـوتا غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : تـويوتـــا

High Beam: H1 Morimoto Bi-Xenon 6000K w/ Gattling Gun 2.0 Shroud w/ LED Halo from Umnitza
Low Beam: DS2 Lexus RX-AFS w/ TSX-R Lens 6000K w/ LED Halo from Umnitza
Turn/Parking: ZKW-R Lens + SwitchBack LED Bulbs from VLEDs + Custom LED Board
Headlight Housing and shrouds painted with Flat Black Color.

فهمتووووو هههههههههههه

الأخ مشروعه كالتالي

- النور العالي زينون 6000 كيلفن
- النور الواطي زينون لكزس 6000 كلفن + بالإضافة تحويل أطراف العدسه ألى لمبات Led
- داخليه Led للسياره كامله

وهنا صور مشروعه

ونقلت بعض الشرح بالإنجليزي لمن حاب يستفيد

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Brand new generic replacement lights from Ebay.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Took apart the headlights with a heatgun (faster) rather than in the oven. I then taped off what I didn't want to paint.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
I decided to paint them in a flat black color.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Next I traced the stock projector mounts onto some steel plating I found at Home Depot.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
I then cut out the traces and started cutting out the design to fit the projector.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
First step was to make sure the mounts would fit in the headlight housing.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Taking apart the RX-AFS to shave them down to fit into the housing.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Fitting the projector in to make sure it lines up before i start cutting out the rest of the steel

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
After a lot of tracing and cutting, I finally got the projector to fit into the mount.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Mounting the projector into the housing. I decided to paint the High Beam housing black as well.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Successfully mounted the RX-AFS into the housing with the stock rubber covers.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Checking the cutoff from the projectors and the levelness of my mounting job.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Modifying the shield for the RX-AFS to prevent glare, gotta love JB-Weld

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Mounted the Morimoto, one down one to go. I ended up putting some JB-weld on the headlight housing where the RX-AFS was mounted to strengthen it. This was because I had to shave a lot of housing to move up the projector far enough and did not want it breaking down the road.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Painted and cut my shroud to fit on Morimoto Projector in the high beam housing.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Mounted the LED Halos from Umnitza onto the Gattling Gun 2.0 Shroud. I used JB-Weld as I wanted it to withstand the heat from when I use the Bi-Xenon High Beams.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Testing out a prototype of a relay circuit I built in order to change the DRLs into LED Halos by separating the High Beam and PWM signal from the High Beam harness.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Next up was my custom LED Board for the turn signal housing from a radioshack bread board. The area around the turn signal housing is very tight so I traced a circular board with the exact dimensions of the outer rim of the turn signal shroud.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
I ended up arranging amber and white superflux LEDs in groups of 3 around the circular board. I wanted something totally different (as far as I know) than any other car. It was also easier in this arrangement to wire the LEDs to voltage regulators.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
LEDs soldered in groups of three. No need for wires to put a group of LEDs in series, as long as you arrange them correctly a simple solder bridge will do.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Wiring up the LEDs, I ended up taking off all of these and adding resistors directly to the back of the board rather than away from the board and then re-added the wires.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Testing the white LED circuit to make sure my calculations with resistors and voltage regulators were correct.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Testing the same with the amber LEDs

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Testing both together, it got quite bright in the room.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Before I sealed the headlights back up, I tested the LEDs and LED Halos one last time to make sure everything was ok.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Sealed up... Noob mistake - I actually forgot to push the inner headlight housing back into the headlight frame (black nobs), so I had to take this apart and then put it back together again.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
I bought water tight automotive plugs and made plug ends for all of the cables for LEDs and Halos coming out of the headlights. If the headlights ever need to be removed for repairs or maintenance (in the shop) I just need to unplug them, and not cut cables.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
I attached the voltage regulators to half of a PC-heat sink in order to make sure they won't overheat. I bought ****l utility boxes and I used silicone to seal the inside to make sure the heatsink wouldn't move around.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
I didn't buy plugs for between the car and my Voltage regulators and my circuit, only between my v-regs/circuit and the headlights, so I had to solder these in.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
This was actually an earlier picture where I had removed my bumper... my brother working on his Camaro in the background.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
I drew some cables from the engine through the firewall into the cabin to make this switch. It's attached to the hot plate in the fuse box (only turned on by key in ACC position) and it allows me to turn on the LED Halos whenever I want (they are for DRL only, so at night they are not on).

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
And we're finished! Also re-painted my fogs while I was at it.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
LED Halo DRLs.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
DRL LED Halos with LED Parking Lights on

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Close up of the LED Parking Lights and DRL LED Halos

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
LED Parking Lights with 6000K Low Beams

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات
Adding the High Beam 6000Ks... driving at night with the High beams on is just crazy... it's so bright in front of me its like the sun is in mounted to the front of my car.

معلومه أشتغل بنفسه توليف عدسات

كلمات البحث

موتورز، سيارات امريكية، سيارات اسيوية

lug,li Hajyg fktsi td j,gdt u]shj hglqdzi ,jyddv g,k ,h[im hgalui gghs,] ;hlvd (07 -1

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القير يتحكم بنفسه نيسان 1 نيـــــــــسان 0 03-18-2012 02:17 AM
استفسار عدسات كامري تويـوتا تـويوتـــا 0 03-12-2012 01:53 PM
سعر الشمعه 118 ريال هوندا هـــــــوندا 0 12-04-2011 05:18 AM
معلومه صيانة العشرين الف وتغيير البريكس تويـوتا تـويوتـــا 0 10-26-2011 08:02 AM
حصري لأول مره ترهيم عدسات انفنتي fx-r على كامري قراندي2006 تويـوتا تـويوتـــا 0 11-26-2010 01:33 PM

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