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قديم 10-18-2010, 10:52 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
عاشق الجيب

التسجيل: Nov 2009
العضوية: 5
المشاركات: 1,515 [+]
بمعدل : 0.27 يوميا
اخر زياره : [+]


عاشق الجيب غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : المنتدى العام
واخيراً تم الكشف عن المعلومات الرسميه لنيسان جي تي آر 2012 .

في التالي اهم المعلومات التي ينتضرها الجميع وهي :

اولاً القوه : 530 حصان

ثانياً العزم (612Nm (451 lb/ft

ثالثاً الرقم القياسي الجديد على حلبة نوربيرغ رينغ هو 7:20 وهذا رقم اولي واحتمال كبير تحقيق رقم افضل بالرغم من ان رقم 7:20 يعتبر رقم خرافي .

وهذي المعلومات بالتفصيل :

Engine and Transmission Enhancements

By modifying the boost pressure of the turbocharger, valve timing and air mixture ratio, reducing intake air resistance by enlarging the inlet pipe diameter, and reducing exhaust air resistance through use of an enlarged section of exhaust pipe, fuel economy is improved to 8.5km/L (10-15 mode) or 8.6km/L (JC08 mode).
At the same time, the engine output is significantly improved to 390kW(530ps)/6,400rpm with maximum torque of 612N·m(62.5kgf·m) from 3,200 to 6,000 rpm. A new red color engine cover is used to demonstrate its greater performance.
Cleaner emissions are realized through adopting an ultra-low precious metal catalyst and ECM with high-capacity microprocessor - achieving SU-LEV certification levels (emitting 75% fewer emissions than Japan's 2005 exhaust emission standards).
A new SAVE mode is adopted, which optimizes driving torque and modifies the shift schedule to improve actual fuel economy when driving highways or open roads. This mode also helps reduce ankle fatigue.
Starting performance while selecting "R mode" for the transmission and VDC-R is improved.
To control tight corner braking phenomenon, which can occur when starting the vehicle while turning the steering wheel, 2WD mode is added to temporarily shift to 2WD driving.

* When the vehicle speed is below 10km/h and the steering wheel is turned more than halfway.
Body Strengthening
A highly rigid, lightweight strut supporting bar, made of carbon composite with aluminum honeycomb material, is installed in the partition wall of the engine compartment. By linking the right and left struts to quickly receive suspension input, the vehicle body's responsiveness to driving operation is enhanced.
An additional support member is installed in the passenger side of the instrument panel. Responsiveness of the vehicle body is further improved by enhanced rigidity for connection with the engine compartment.
For further production accuracy, the fitting precision of the body panels is enhanced and a higher-precision G sensor is utilized in checking the instrument panel during the vibration testing of each vehicle body.
Suspension and Braking Modifications

For the front suspension, the lever ratio of the springs, shock absorbers and stabilizer bar is modified to improve the vertical load response of the tires. Front caster angle is increased from 5°35 to 6°00 to improve tire road holding ability when turning and stability while driving straight.
For the rear suspension, toe performance is modified by changing the roll center height to a lower position in order to improve tire grip while making turns and to better communicate driving feel.
An aluminum free-piston shock absorber design is newly developed which generates more precise damping force to constantly provide stable road holding and a load shift that quickly responds to driver's intention. Reduced friction in the shock absorbers provides high quality, smooth ride comfort.
A thin, large-diameter rotor (F390) developed uniquely by Nissan is adopted to improve braking force, fade resistance, pedal control ability and extend brake rotor life for sporty driving.
Wheels and Tires

The 11MY GT-R also features newly designed, lighter weight and more rigid forged aluminum-alloy wheels. Made by Rays, the wheels help improve tire responsiveness to vertical load. Knurling inside the wheel is modified to avoid deviation of tire rotation direction caused by the higher engine output. On the wheel surface, a new Hyper Blue Black Chrome color is adopted, which expresses high quality and high-performance feel. The wheels' deep gloss is created by utilization of a five-layer coating process.
The Dunlop SP SPORT MAXX GT 600 DSST CTT tires have a new compound to improve tire grip. With renewed structure and improved tread and sidewall rigidity, straight-line stability in rutted roads is enhanced.

2. Design
Exterior and aerodynamics

Even with GT-R's already intense and stable form, its world-leading aerodynamics performance is further improved through a number of significant enhancements. Downforce is increased by about 10%, while the coefficient of drag is further reduced from 0.27 to 0.26.
Stability is improved by enlarged bumper and grille openings
The front bumper is newly designed with double rectifier fins and Hyper Daylight with a large-diameter reflecting surface and high intensity white-color LED lights. The design increases front downforce by about 10%, while also reducing air resistance inside the engine compartment. The volume of air that passes through the radiator and cools down the front brakes is also increased.

Additional plated parts are used for headlight inner panels, enhancing the car's strong presence.
The redesigned rear bumper features a lower center of gravity than the previous design, created by a sculptured lower portion and extended length. Underfloor cooling performance is enhanced with air resistance reduced by extending a rear diffuser.
Cooling performance for the muffler is improved and rear downforce is increased by about 10% through use of a new rear bumper air outlet, which helps remove air in the rear wheelhouses.

A newly designed tailpipe finisher with enlarged diameter is adopted. Rear high-intensity LED fog lamps are provided as standard equipment to help improve visibility from vehicles behind in rainy or snowy conditions.
Six exterior colors are available, including two new colors: Meteo Flake Black Pearl (2P) and Aurora Flare Blue Pearl (2P). (Both are special colors.)

A newly shaped instrument panel pad and navigation system display finisher are adopted, with stitch lines changed to express an enhanced quality feel.
Real carbon center cluster finisher is used, along with matte black finished switches.
The GT-R emblem at the center of the steering wheel has a new velour-like coating, expressing a glossy texture. For the paddle shift, a coating exposing the magnesium base material is applied.
Chrome-plated rings in the console and air-conditioner outlets are finished with a new black smoky coating, expressing greater sportiness.

Seats for Pure edition and Premium edition provide an improved level of comfort and safety while cornering. In addition, fatigue levels are reduced for the thighs and lower back by changing the shape, extending the length of seating surface and refurbishing the cushion stroke. A new seatback design seatback is adopted to improve fit.
The Black edition has leather-appointed bucket seats using a Recaro design based on the structure of Pure edition and Premium edition seats.


Modifications applicable only to the SpecV are as follows:

Engine modifications are the same as the base model with improved maximum power output and torque, as well as enhanced fuel economy, except maximum torque is improved to 612N·m(62.5kgf·m)/ 3,200~6,000rpm (632N·m(64.5kgf·m)/ 3,600~5,600rpm). (Figures in parenthesis are when high geared boost is used.)
To improve abrasion resistance and stability in racing circuit driving, rear brake pad material is changed and VDC (Vehicle Dynamic Control) balance under braking is modified.
Dunlop SP SPORT MAXX GT 600 DSST CTT tire is adopted as a standard feature.
Special Rays lightweight aluminum forging wheels for the SpecV are adopted from the previous model with the color changed to Metallic Black.


EGOIST is the first and only Nissan GT-R in the world exclusively created by Takumi, or "master with greatest skills." Each customer can choose a combination of interior colors among 20 choices. In addition, the Bose® sound system is exclusively tuned according to the driving position of each driver to meet every customer's needs. This is the ultimate expression of the Nissan GT-R.

Customers can choose a combination of interior colors among 20 choices, four upper area interior colors and 10 lower area interior colors. Interior parts are sent to Seton Company, Inc. Muelheim an der Ruhr in Germany and leather master craftsmen sew and stick carefully selected leather by hand.

Seats are an exclusive quilted design with single and double stitching combined in a reticular pattern. Enhanced body grip performance (suitable for racing circuit driving), smoothness and fit are all provided.

Wajima Lacquer (Maki-e) Emblem
Wajima Maki-e with deep coloring and glaze created by Mr. Sakae Kubota, an accredited traditional craftsman for Japanese lacquer, is used for the GT-R emblem at the center of the steering wheel. The beautiful coloring of Maki-e changes as time goes by.

Bose® Precision Sound System
Specially developed carbon composite-based woofers, which can cancel vibrations through their high rigidity and damping, are installed. In addition, sound quality is adjusted by Bose® exclusively for each owner, depending on individual driving position.

Carbon Rear Spoiler
EGOIST adopts a dry carbon rear spoiler (also used in the SpecV). Providing stable aerodynamic performance, even when driving at more than 300km/h, the rear spoiler gives an intense look in the rear with its black carbon color.

RAYS Forged Aluminum-Alloy Wheels
Lightweight and highly rigid forged aluminum-alloy wheels, also used in the SpecV, reduce unsprung weight and help provide a supple ride feel. Newly developed five-layer Blue Sword Chrome Color Coating is adopted.

Titanium Exhaust System
EGOIST uses a Titanium exhaust system, also used in the SpecV, providing agile accelerator response and a clear, exhilarating exhaust sound.

والآن مع الصور :

نيسان GTR 2012 :

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

نيسان GTR 2012 SPEC-V :

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

الفئه الجديده والمفخمه من نيسان جي تي أر 2012 واسمها GTR EGOIST :

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

اخيراً الكشف المعلومات الرسميه والصور

كلمات البحث

موتورز، سيارات امريكية، سيارات اسيوية

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اخيراً فيلم نيسان جي تي آر 2012 الوثائقي باللغه الانجليزيه . نيسان 1 نيـــــــــسان 0 03-15-2011 01:00 PM
خاص نيسان ارابيا : --بعض المعلومات والصور عن ماكسيما 2011 -- نيسان 1 نيـــــــــسان 0 03-09-2011 10:00 PM
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اخيراً الكشف عن المعلومات الرسميه والصور لـ نيسان gtr 2012 . عاشق الجيب المنتدى العام 0 10-19-2010 04:03 AM

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